Welcome to this site on hydraulic pressure gauges manufactured in Masta brand name. In India Masta is being manufactured by Lucas Pressure Gauges Co since 1990. We are the sole selling agents in India and worldwide. Masta hydraulic pressure gauges are unique in its construction and design. The high sensitivity movement with the rugged Bourdon tube makes Masta pressure gauges different from all other pressure gauges. This is why mostly all the Cement, Soil, Cube and hydraulic testing machine manufacturers use Masta pressure gauges. Masta comes in different sizes 100mm, 150mm and 200mm are standard sizes. The most popular being 150mm(6") dial size, followed by the 200mm (8") dial size. Masta pressure gauges generally are available in Ton/inch sq in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Ton/inch sq. If you want the Masta pressure gauges in your custom ram diameter then you can order in kN as well as in Ton with the appropriate ram diameter .The most popular loads are 500/1000/1500/2000 kN with ram diamteras of 90mm,117mm,165mm,203mm,205mm,152.4mm. However, we specialise in any kN or Ton load with any ram diameter. We have pressure measuring solution for all your need. You only need to inform us the dial size,load range, ram diameter and quantity, the gauges will be ready for you quickly.
Some pictures of Masta pressure gauges from our files are listed below: